Two days ago, you turned two months old. I can hardly believe how time has flown by. You have grown so much since you were born - you weighed 12 pounds and 2 ounces at your two-month checkup today, and only 6 pounds 13 ounces when you were born 9 weeks ago.
You are an adorable little boy - you have huge blue eyes, and you just started looking around and focusing on people with them. You completely melt hearts when you stare in people's eyes, you are that cute.
You've been smiling at me for a little while, but only early in the mornings when no one else is around, and you never seemed very convinced. Then suddenly this past weekend you decided life was something to be happy about - at least sometimes - and now you smile a lot. We just discovered that you have a dimple! Just when we thought you couldn't get any cuter.
You cry a lot. You really like to be held, especially by your mama. You really don't appreciate being left alone or being put down, and you let anyone around you know about it. You especially like be carried around in a wrap, which is how I put you to sleep these days. Now that you're more alert and looking around all the time, it's sometimes harder to get you to go to sleep.
One of my favorite things is holding you on my shoulder and patting you on the back. When you're sleepy, you snuggle in and just enjoy being cuddled. It's really sweet. You love to sleep on your stomach, which you're not supposed to do. I can often calm you down by putting you on your stomach across my legs. When you sleep on your back, you're a noisy little boy. You keep us awake with your fussy sleeping.
My heart is so full of love for you, and I'm so proud to be your mother. I love every day I get to spend with you, and I am looking forward to watching you grow and change. I'm sure next month will get even better.